Thursday, July 26, 2007


I luv toyz. Mamma and Daddy let me play wif lots of stuff. My favurite toy is the tire wif the big stringy attached. I pik it up an shake it an shake it. Mamma tells me she thinks I am gonna hurt myself, but Im just havin fun!
Then theres the squeeky ball. My furst Mamma gotted me a squeeky doll but the squeeky stopped. Then Daddy found one in the closet and it is my second favuritest toy. Daddy saz I drive him crazy wif the squeeky when I chew an chew an chew! Mamma just lafs an gits the flashy box.
She tooked one more picture of me - she saz I am adorable in it. So, she said I had to put it on here. I think I waz watchin my squeeky ball. She tooked this when I waz 4 monts old on July 7th. Mamma saz Im just begining to grow into my legz. I dont no what that meanz but she seems happy about it!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Who's Harrie Poter?

Mama went an gotted a bunch of round thingys that she put in a round machine that hooks up to her ears an she is not doin anyting. Not playin wif me, not pettin me, nutting.
She told Daddy to be kwiate a lot, cus she is listenin to Harrie Poter. She was cryin an sayin someone died on the second round thingy that she has nown since she started Harrie Poter with some Stone thing.
I just want to play wif her an my tire but she saz "no, I am listenin to Harrie Poter this weekend" So I went in an played wif the fun paper on the roll in the pottie room. She was not happy but I need to play! I am still a baby - I need play! And Bubba just bites my noz. So I had to find something to play wif. I need to take a nap now an cuver the cool air hole in the floor.

Monday, July 16, 2007

I am growin!

I had to go get pokeyed agin today. Daddy says I am finaly a legal dog wit the pokeys now. They gaved me another shiny thing to put on my kollar. I jangle now!
Daddy was also suprized to see I way 36 pounds now - he says I gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks! I am taller than Bubba now! I like to play wif Bubba! He growls but he is waggin his tail - so I do what Mama does - I pet him. Mama an Daddy laf when I do that - Bubba just bites me on the noze!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mama Luvs Me!

Mama did a digi scrap book page of me! She said she waz shone one by a friend an she loved it an had to do one of me!
(she did one of Bubba but I will let him show off his!)
I am now just over 4 monts old. Daddy and Mama looked at me tonite an said I was as tall as Bubba! They say I am gonna be a big boy!
Mama spent time tonite playin ball wif me! I ran an ran an ran! I am goin to take a nap now.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


I have not ritten in a wile - Bubba and me were both sic. Mama an Daddy were worreed about me, I had lots of axidents in the sleepin room a couple of nites, and they kept sayin how stinky an runnie they were. Mama called it die-ah-ree-ah.
When Daddy decided to take me to the nastie pokey people, he also said Bubba was throwin up.
So we all went for a ride to the nastie pokey people, and I had 2 more axidents in the cold room. But the pokey ladie did not seem to be worried about me - she came in and pokied Bubba with some bag of drink. Daddy told Mama it was a eye-vee treetment. I do not know why they call it that - since the pokey ladie didn't mess with his eyes.
The pokey ladie said we had a viruhs. I do not remember catchin a viruhs, but Bubba had one too.
So, she sent us all home with pills to stop the die-ah-ree-ah. I do not mind that, since Daddy and Mama give it to us in cheez. I really like cheez! I try to get Bubbas cheez, but Daddy and Mama make sure I can not get his.
I missed a nite of Puppy Skool becuz I was sick. Mama had a head ake so she did not mind missin Puppy Skool.
Daddy took me this week. Mama had to wurk at some thing for the 4th. I did ok, but I do not like to lay down unless I sit first. Daddy waz not happy wif me on that, but he said I did ok on all my other Puppy Skool stuff.
I am feelin better now. I think I will go play wif my tire now!