Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Poor Patches

Oh man!!! Daddy was just telling Momma about our neighbor puppy (Momma calls him a weener dog???). Patches was with his Momma and Daddy and they went to a house, and when Patches' Daddy was taking her out to pee (I love to pee!!! So does Bubba!) - a Rotten Wiler and another doggy ATTAKED her!!! It tooked five hoomans to rescue Poor Patches! Thank goodness she's ok, but I bet she was skared. I know I would be. It skares me enuff when Bubba bites my nose!

1 comment:

Cathie in UT said...

So sorry your neighbor was attacked and glad there were plenty of "hoomens" to help
Hope you are feeling better from your visit to the "pokey place"