Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Ok, I was tolded that Goldens, like myself, love water. So, when Daddy went up the ladder and got in the big huge waterbowl, I followed. Well, I followed up the ladder to the top. Daddy tried to get me in the big waterbowl, but I was not sure if it would be fun.
Momma tooked piktures of me - so I'll share a couple with you!!!
Yes, I gotted scared and ran away! Later, I DID get in the big waterbowl, when Momma gotted in there and was floating on a bed. She did not get a pikture, since she said she will not let her precious baby get wet (I think she was talking about the flashy box). I went in without using the ladder - and I quickly jumped out! It wasn't fun at all. I gotted very wet and had to roll and roll and roll to try and dry off. Momma and Daddy didn't seem happy with me rolling and rolling, but I had to get dry.
They are talking about a baby waterbowl for me and Bubba, so we shall see what happens.

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